all the expositions
¬ studio 12 group performance, klim, 2015, petersburg
¬ "afraid" group performance, boris pavlovich workshop, russian reporter summer school, july 2016, moscow
¬ clay pt.I, solo performance, january 2020, petersburg
¬ "earthern" exhibition, fotografia gallery, march 2021, tbilisi
¬ clay pt.II, "rv" happening with natia chikvaidze, fotografia gallery, 05.03.2021, tbilisi
¬ "rv" happening screening, cca, video peace traffic / moving image festival, 5-6.07.2021, tbilisi
¬ "mom" artwork, alexandra kirienkova home gallery, september 2021, tbilisi
¬ collection for le chic radical, november 2021, tbilisi
¬ "obscure" solo exhibition, eleven window, 24-30.12.2021, tbilisi
¬ "ma" group exhibition, studio ro, june-december 2022, milan
¬ uplistsikhe, international fair of architecture, september 2022, cersaie 2022
¬ reportage about nela nela for courier magazine, printed in august 2022
¬ "mess" lecture, alea charity event, 18.12.2022, tbilisi
¬ physical shibari happening with gary s4b, live soundtrack by nick hudson, 18.12.2022, tbilisi
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