for this series i used raw unprocessed red clay from an upper ajaran village which i dug up with help from locals. i explored it with simple forms and primitive techniques, just following the material. i fired it without knowing whether those pieces would survive the high temperature and what marks they would acquire. i made a simple white glaze from the same clay fragments, and continued sculpting - made the glaze thick so i could apply it by hand instead of the traditional brush method. then fired them one more time. i fell in love with georgian nature last year (2019), and relocated here in march (2020). i only knew there are great red clay layers. Technically speaking, this clay in its wild state is not plastic enough, so sculpting from it was like building sand castles. But I didn't want to make any changes to it and enjoyed the process as it was. i believe an artwork is never finished because it needs the viewer/context to expose it. this is why i chose the vessel form: to leave an empty space inside. it is impossible to use these vessels for water or fresh flowers. the hollows are totally non-functional. 5 vessels, unprocessed brili clay, glaze, fired at 1050℃. purchase